Being a businessman almost all my life, I was able to magically transform my rigid office culture to a more relaxed and happy one. This change was able to almost double my profits because employee satisfaction level was extremely high.
The reason for this sudden change, was my decision to change the office environment! I hired a professional designer who was able to not only reach out to my employees and find out what they actually needed, but she was also able to renovate the office without much of a hassle.
Here are some notable changes that she made, that made a huge difference in how the office operated!
Install something to help employees relax
You need to install somethingin your office to ensure that your employees can feel relaxed at. A fish tank was installed in my office to give employees the relaxation that they required for their minds. You can have anything, from a fish tank to a wall game or even a few soothing tunes playing in a relaxing spot. The idea is to help your employees refresh their minds and soothe themselves!
Customize things
By customizing things we were able to give employees a sense of belonging. For instance, you can have custom mugs with names of the employees for their tea. You can also get a commercial painters Christchurch to paint the different sections in different colours with department names hanging overhead. You can even have the tables labelled.
Have a cozy lobby and a professional lobby
It is important that you have two lobbies in your office. You need to have one that is exclusively only for your employees where they can relax and have some fun during their free times. However, this can become a hassle if employees start to go to relax room too often. You will need to keep a registry at the entrance of the relax lobby or you pay visits to ensure that employees don’t misuse the relax room. Make sure to get an interior painter Canterbury to make the room look as relaxing as possible.
As a business, we always need to look for ways to improve our business opportunities. Sometimes these opportunities are not directly related to business. In cases such as these, employee welfare was previously almost zero! Therefore, when they received the proper attention the entire way they worked changed!
Always keep in mind that employees are the biggest assets to any business. Which is why it is very vital that you always look for ways to improve the opportunities for employees.